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What is Hijab? How can be banned : Know here

Hijab can be banned?

The term ḥijāb was originally used to denote a partition, a curtain, or was sometimes used for the Islamic rules of modesty. Women hijab called niqab .

Banning hijab has resulted in girls dropping out of schools. If they are prevented from being educated in government institutions, they will be deprived of their fundamental right.”

hijab is cultural attire of muslim women that offers the privacy . Although some are said it should banned we seeks to see the world either in position or in negative perspectives.

For Islamic women who choose to wear the hijab it allows them to retain their modesty, morals and freedom of choice. They choose to cover because they believe it is liberating and allows them to avoid harassment.

In the Middle East and other Islamic countries the veil, or hijab, which covers the head, body, or face, is a predominant feature of women's clothing. It is not, however, a simple fashion accessory, but is a representation of religion and culture.

Maintain modestly

The Qur'an instructs Muslim women and men to dress modestly, and for some, the hijab is worn by Muslim girls and women to maintain modesty and privacy from unrelated males.

It refer to "the veil which separates man, or the world, from God".

Is Hijab essential?

Justice Dhulia remarked that issue is not uniform or whether students were wearing it. "Issue is whether you are permitting hijab or not."

Dave submitted that for some people it is an essential practice, some people are more religious, some are more tolerant…

"Some people may wear it (hijab). Some people are more religious. It is an individual choice. That is why essential religious practice test was rejected long back. It was brought by backdoor," he said.

In sum negative empact , while wearing the hijab may be dominated by male attitudes towards suppressing female attractiveness towards males, the findings from this study suggest that female Muslims too perceive the negative influence of wearing the hijab on female facial attractiveness.

After many time , Supreme Court Concluded Hearing In Hijab Case, Reserves Judgment has given. In favour of decision some people are following in right as well as some are against it.


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